August 13, 2003

I moved to California and all I got was this lousy governorship

Well?I didn?t think it was possible, but it looks like Ah-nold may actually be California?s governor in a few months! Of course, we have so many other great candidates to vote for, including Larry Flynt, several porn stars and models, Gallagher, and Father Guido Sarducci.

I thought about adding Gary's name to the ballot. It would have been expensive ($3500 plus 65 signatures) but it definitely has a high coolness factor. I'm guessing that this sort of thing is going to happen a lot more often in the future, so maybe next time.

I plan to vote against the recall. After all, didn't we just have a gubernatorial election less than 10 months ago? But I still need to vote for someone in case that fails. Maybe I'll write in Mickey Mouse (at least he's a Californian native!)

Posted by Jen at August 13, 2003 07:51 AM

This just in: Father Guido Sarducci is no longer in the race (I guess his paperwork wasn't complete.) This makes my choice a little easier!

Posted by: Jen at August 14, 2003 07:37 AM