September 18, 2003

'Cause we don't want to be left out of the weather scene

This morning when I checked the local weather at Weather Underground, I found the following "Special Weather Statement":


Statement as of 7:05 am PDT on September 18, 2003

This hazardous weather outlook is for the San Francisco Bay area and the central California coast.

.Day one... Today

No hazardous weather is expected through the period.

.Days two through seven... Friday through Wednesday

No hazardous weather is expected through the period.

.Spotter information statement...

Weather spotters are encouraged to report significant weather conditions according to standard operating procedures.


Boy am I relieved!!

I guess Californians want to feel like Hurricane Isabel might affect them, too. Or maybe this was just reassurance that our weather for the next week would be safe, because everything else in California is so unpredictable right now.

Posted by Jen at September 18, 2003 07:40 AM

Whew - was I relieved when Isabel turned more towards the North and Florida escaped again - the thought of 8 ft storm surges and high winds makes you realize you are just a blob in the grand scheme of things - but I think weathermen/women - in general - always like to give the worst case scenario - sort of like gloom-and-doom prophets of the skies - and let no coast be spared - Remember - Thundergod is watching you too!!!

Posted by: Aunt Kathy at September 19, 2003 05:28 AM

Well 'Isabel' has come and gone with no significant damage to our part of New Jersey. Actually, this was what Liz was waiting for, an opportunity to take out the leaf blower and do her thing. All we got were lots of small branches which Mother Nature prunned off our trees at no charge.

Posted by: Aunt Mari at September 19, 2003 11:17 AM