October 25, 2003

Haunted House

Someone in our neighborhood set up a haunted house in their backyard. I saw signs for it last weekend when we were out running errands, but we didn't get a chance to go (it's only open Friday and Saturday evenings.)

Last night Gary decided he wanted to go out to get something to eat, and we drove past it again. I'd never been to a haunted house before, and the idea interested me a little bit. But only a little...from what I've heard they aren't *all* that fun. Gary convinced me to at least get out of the car to take a look, which we did. There were quite a few kids in costume milling around outside; I couldn't tell if they were part of the cast-and-crew, or kids waiting to get in. I think the former, since they weren't rushing to go inside. There was no admission fee, just a donation box, which they didn't push. You can't beat the price, so we decided to give it a go.

Never having been to one of these before, I can't really compare it to anything else. It was ok, not particularly scary, but somewhat creepy. They had a lot of people jumping out and yelling, and a guy on what looked like a mower ran towards us with his lights flashing and horn blowing. That surprised me. Gary made me walk in front of him, and at a few places I couldn't tell where to go, because of the flashing lights and weird colors of the room. That part creeped me out. So I think they acheived their goal. And I think it was more fun trying to be a little scared and screaming now and then, just to get into it.

The creators had certainly put a lot of work into it, so we gave them a donation. And I might go again next year.

Posted by Jen at October 25, 2003 08:26 AM