November 11, 2003

wrist warmer update

I finished one, which is probably all I'll do for now. It's really just my right hand that gets cold, because it rubs across my desk when I use the mouse. The pattern (it doesn't get much simpler than this!):

worsted weight yarn
#8 dpns

CO 28 stitches
Join round, being careful not to twist stitches
(K2 P2) x 7 (2x2 ribbing)
Continue ribbing for some length (mine is about 6-8 inches before the thumb)
Make a hole for your thumb by knitting about an inch flat
(Keep in 2x2 ribbing, but when you get to the start of the round, reverse directions.)
After about an inch of flat knitting, return to circular knitting for another couple of inches.
Bind off loosely.

I strongly recommend trying the wrist warmer on as you go. I had originally tried 36 stitches around in 3x3 ribbing, but it was too loose. If you do change the ribbing, make sure the number of stitches around is divisible by the number of stitches in the ribbing (e.g. 28 is divisible by 4 (2+2), 36 is divisible by 4 (2+2) and 6 (3+3).)

My wrist warmer weighed in at 20g, which I calculated to be about 36 yards of yarn. You should be able to make several from one ball of yarn.

Posted by Jen at November 11, 2003 07:04 AM