November 06, 2004

Jon Stewart's new book can cause early death!

This is what is on's front page when I log in:


I haven't yet read Jon Stewart's new book, America (The Book), but I did flip through it briefly at a friend's house. It doesn't look like the sort of thing that would induce a heart attack; if you're part of the Moral Majority or Religious Right (aka The Winners), though, it just might cause some trouble.
Luckily Amazon has it all figured out and offers a home defibrillator you can buy at the same time. I think they might even offer free shipping if you buy both! I wonder if their lawyers forced them to do this. Gary and I were planning on buying America (The Book), but now I'm not so sure. Is it worth courting death just for a book?

Posted by Jen at November 6, 2004 08:18 AM

Don't buy the book -- I'll get both the book and the defibrillator for you guys for Christmas. :P

Posted by: Alana at November 6, 2004 09:53 AM

Was that storied rectangular protrusion on Bush's upper back a book or a defibrillator?

Posted by: Pete at November 6, 2004 10:26 PM

The rectangular protrusion on Bush's back is a Brain Pacemaker! You can tell when it tries to restart his brain - his eyes blink really fast.

Posted by: Ginnie at November 8, 2004 06:48 AM