July 29, 2005

fashionably late

So he's late, but not late enough to worry about yet.

Another week, another doctor's visit. There's still not much progress; I'm about 1-2 cm dilated and 70-80% effaced. I'm scheduled to go in next Tuesday for an ultrasound to check on the amniotic fluid level and the kid's size, and Wednesday for a non-stress test. I was offered the chance to schedule an induction for later in the week, but decided that I'll wait to make that decision after the tests.

Gary and I are going out for a big spicy Thai meal tonight. I've been told by several people not to go out for a big Chinese meal, so Thai ought to be safe. :)

Posted by Jen at July 29, 2005 06:17 PM

I'm not sure if Thai food will do it; let me recommend a Charles Laughton movie. I don't remember which one it was, though it was really awful, but without having to wait for the end we got Sonya to the hospital. That was it, more or less. Actually it was a false alarm, and she stayed there another day and the doctor ordered induced labor, since she was already late by a week or so. Presto: Jessica. In the case of Diana there was no such difficulty, except that Diana, unlike Jessica, didn't stop crying for more than an hour at a time until she was three months old. I mean, screaming.

Posted by: R.A. Raimi at July 29, 2005 07:21 PM

At least you know where he is, which won't always be the case. You're lucky you're not having a South American baby -- he might not show up for weeks.

And why not Chinese food? The Chinese have billions of babies after dinner.

You two need a hobby. I'll let you know as soon as I think of one for you. I thought of ping-pong, but then I thought, maybe not. Nor badminton, which you called bad-mitten when you were little. I don't remember how the subject had come up, but you were SO CUTE.

I will try to write down all the silly embarrassing things I can remember you doing when you were young, to have them ready for when your child is around nine.

Posted by: Jessica at July 29, 2005 08:51 PM

Hi Jen - I've heard that garlic (e.g. together with a Swiss Fondue) works well too:-) We are thinking of on the other side of the world. We wish you all the best and a speedy delivery.

Posted by: Cornelia at July 30, 2005 12:57 AM

I guess he is just not ready to step out into this scary world - but, as we all know, he has no choice but to make an appearance - maybe he is still working on you two for his name selection and is a no-show until he has a name. Personally, I would stay away from really big meals until after the happy event. Love to all - Aunt Kathy

Posted by: Aunt Kathy at July 30, 2005 06:18 AM

Hey, maybe he'll be born on the 31st--Harry Potter's b-day! Think of all the great names you could get from the books. Harry's house at Hogwarts was Gryffndor--what do you think?
Love, Mom

Posted by: Mom at July 30, 2005 06:33 AM

I like the Swiss fondue idea...we'll have to do that this weekend. We don't know of any good Chinese restaurants around here, otherwise we might have tried that.

If he's born in August, can we still name him Julian?

Posted by: Jen at July 30, 2005 06:43 AM

jen grandma spevie alsays cleaned and wax the floors and i would go in labor that nite, except with dee and i went fishing with titter and she took me to a private lake where a man run us off and told w were traspassing, this was around 7 p.m,. i went to hospital and delivered ROUND MIDNITE ARE A LITTLE AFTER. SO YOU CAN ALWAYS GO FISHING INSTEAD OF EATING. LOVE YOU BOTH.

Posted by: spevie at July 30, 2005 06:58 AM

Hi Jen!

I had Chinese food the night I went into labor. Spicy Chinese sesame noodles. It worked like a charm. I would just tell them no msg and Chinese should be fine. However, I think spicy Thai noodles ought to work too. Good luck! I'm sure that he will come out when he is ready.

Posted by: stacy at July 30, 2005 07:35 AM

Hogwarts Snethen? I guess it depends on the middle name. H. Julian Snethen?

My friends Tom and Gretchen had a daughter who was expected about this time last summer. ("Eeek! She's gaining an ounce a day!" said Gretchen.) The child stalled the eviction until August 10, but they named her as they'd planned: Naomi July Mathewson. They just didn't like August or Augusta.

I think they did the right thing. July is much prettier, and when she grows up, she'll always be early to appointments.

Posted by: Jessica at July 30, 2005 10:09 AM

I think the baby just has a little stage fright right now. Isn't this the first baby on either side of the family for like 26 years? That's a lot of pressure for the poor little guy.

I had a dream that he was born at 3:51 a.m.!

Posted by: Alana at July 30, 2005 12:49 PM

i threw a frisbee the night prior to going into labor with heather, walked a lot in the cool night, too. both helped, i think. the baby will come when he is ready to!!! have faith!

Posted by: emily at July 30, 2005 05:32 PM

We are in the throes of the Dog Days of Summer - influenced by the Sirius Star System - two stars of which are visible - but that third one remains hidden and does not show its light until the right time (soon) - so, maybe, astrologically and astronomically speaking, your son is waiting for the right time to bring his light into the world. Jason (nice name) and the Argonauts is one of many related myths. By the way, I like Mom's idea - Gary Potter Snethen - if born today on Harry's birthday.

Posted by: Aunt Kathy at July 31, 2005 08:33 AM

I think August 4th or 5th. When you have that first real contraction-stop for a minute before you tell anyone and let it be just between you and him. You can remember it his whole life-the moment when the two of you were finally to be united.

Posted by: Niki at July 31, 2005 05:06 PM

I came up with a possible name (maybe middle name) this weekend - something you and Gary share --

No automatic childhood teasing came to mind instantly, but give me time.

I was picking up my car and the attendent said '"Virginia", that's a pretty name. I think I want to name my daughter after a month.'
"April?" I queried.
"No, something more unusual, like September".
"Hmm, not that kids won't find someway to tease her about her name, but I don't know that you will want her called 'Miss September' when she's 16"
-- you should have seen the look on her face!

I have always thought using a (mini-)trampoline should speed delivery... but what do I know...

Posted by: Ginnie at August 1, 2005 06:57 AM

Hi Jen,
Don't worry, all good things come to those who wait. This little fellow is not in any big hurry to leave that nice warm comfy place that he's in. He's probably going to be a calm, laid-back baby who'll sleep through the night, etc. Don't rush him, when he's ready, he'll just pop out.

Posted by: Aunt Mari at August 2, 2005 10:37 AM