August 09, 2005

Elliot's First Week

It is standard practice in California to test bilirubin levels (the stuff that causes jaundice) when babies are 24 hours old. Bilirubin levels tend to rise in the first few days of life because the newborn's liver can't process it yet. Elliot's bilirubin level was a bit high at 24 hours, so the doctor put him under phototherapy lights to prevent his bilirubin level from getting dangerously high later.

The phototherapy light is basically a bright blue or green light that generates almost no heat. The light penetrates the skin and breaks down the bilirubin (a yellow pigment) so the baby can eliminate it more easily. Elliot's bilirubin levels dropped on the second and third days, so it doesn't appear that he was ever in any danger. However, seeing him isolated under the phototherapy lights at the hospital was a bit stressful on us.

We brought Elliot home on Thursday. We spent the next couple of days figuring out a sustainable sleeping/feeding rhythm. Gary and I found that it works best if we tag team throughout the night, then Gary sleeps late in the mornings and I take naps between feedings in the afternoon and evening.

On Friday, we took Elliot to his first pediatrician visit. He weighed in at 6 lbs. 1 oz., which was a 1 ounce gain from his final hospital weighing. (Breastfed babies lose a bit of weight after birth before the mother's milk comes in.) The pediatrician checked him over thoroughly and gave him a clean bill of health.

On Saturday, Elliot's grandfather (Gary's dad) came over to visit, along with his girlfriend Emily. Emily cooked us a large pot of yummy chicken noodle soup, and the grandparents gave Elliot his first bath outside the hospital.

Gary put some more pictures on the web. You can view them here.

Posted by Jen at August 9, 2005 03:50 PM

Oh wow I didn't realize how teeny he was!!

I'm surprised you have so many "alert" pictures -- and ones where he's not crying. He seems like a pretty cool dude.

Posted by: Alana at August 9, 2005 04:52 PM

Elliot is so cute... when can we meet him?

Posted by: Joana at August 9, 2005 05:29 PM

Baby Elliot is oh so cute!!!
I can image you were worried regarding his test. Glad to hear everything is now ok. Keep dad in the loop for help.
Love, Aunt Dolores

Posted by: Aunt Dolores at August 9, 2005 05:38 PM

What big thumbs Gary has.

Posted by: R. A. Raimi at August 9, 2005 07:29 PM

I know exactly how you feel about Elliot and the bilirubin. Katarina had a low body temperature after she was born so they put her on little baby IV's for a couple of days. I even had to leave the hospital without her. It still makes me cry to think about it. I know that they do it just for precautionary measures, but it is so incredibly stressful for the parents. I'm sure that you were overjoyed to bring him home and to know that everything is alright.

You'll be happy to know that the first week is the hardest. Thus, you have lived through the hardest parts already, except maybe college but that is many years away.

He does look like an extremely calm baby. Keep posting the pictures. They are wonderful! I kind of forgot how cool babies are (although perhaps they aren't so cool when they wake you up at 3:00 in the morning).

Posted by: Stacy at August 9, 2005 07:40 PM

Nice pictures! The color balance from that camera is extraordinary.

It's surprising how small he is -- it makes you realize how much they grow in the first month. And their eyes are so weird. What are they thinking about (aside from "When's lunch?")? William Golding wrote, "One can no more think like a baby than one can think like a bee."

Being your child, he may be in college sooner than you think.

Posted by: Jessica at August 9, 2005 08:15 PM

One handsome dude - Yes, you too Gary - you can say I am wrong but when I was waiting for the Alert 1 picture to enlarge and Elliot's eyes were coming into focus - I saw a strong resemblance to his Aunt Alana - He already seemed to have a sense of purpose and knowing in those beautiful eyes of his - He will make his mark on the world and in his own way too. He is a true Leo - so watch out - Love to all Aunt Kathy

Posted by: Aunt Kathy at August 10, 2005 07:21 AM

Great pictures of Eliott and the family. We are thoroughly enjoying them so please keep them coming. He's an adorable and very alert baby and is probably already planning his mark on the world. Before you know it, he'll be crawling and finding his way to all those interesting things that he can now only check out visually. Still can't figure out who he looks like but he sure is a handsome little tyke. It's great to hear that he's doing fine and may his only 'troubles' now be 'when's my next feeding'. Love him and cherish him!

Posted by: Aunt Mari at August 10, 2005 10:31 AM