October 16, 2005

Sleeping and turning over

It's been a great weekend for Elliot! Last night he slept for over 7 hours straight! In his crib! And this afternoon, while no one was watching, he turned over on to his stomach for the first time.

We're not sure exactly why he slept for so long, but we were amazed when we woke up at 4.30 this morning and realized that Elliot hadn't cried all night. Gary went and brought him to bed so I could feed him (waking him up in the process), but otherwise I think he might have slept another hour at least. And what also amazed us was that when we put him to bed around 8.30 last night, he didn't fuss that much. At least not so much that we felt compelled to go and see if he was okay. Neither of us is expecting this to happen every night, but when it does we'll be happy.

As for turning over, neither of us witnessed it happen. Gary set Elliot on his back in his playpen and went upstairs, and when I came in from the garage a few minutes later, he was on his stomach. He wasn't too happy about it, either.

Posted by Jen at October 16, 2005 05:43 PM

It makes me remember the first time I turned over!

Posted by: Jessica at October 17, 2005 08:12 AM

I guess this blog is your journal, or map, of these developmental milestones. Note them carefully, so that any subsequent children can see how boring they themselves are compared to their eldest sibling.

Posted by: Jessica at October 19, 2005 04:02 PM