August 18, 2006

home sick, again

Elliot's been sick again for the past few days. He went for his 1 year checkup last week, and got a bunch of vaccines. He has not been sleeping well since; some nights are fine, others are horrendous. On Wednesday he got a fever in the afternoon, and then, just as we got home, he threw up. All over himself, me, and the floor. Lovely.

He has since been surviving on Pedialyte and goldfish crackers. He managed to eat half a container of yogurt for dinner yesterday, and a little milk. Last night he didn't sleep well, and Gary and I finally figured out, at 2am, that he was probably just hungry.

This morning he seems to be doing better, although he looks tired, and is having a tendency to spit out half his milk after drinking it.

Posted by Jen at August 18, 2006 11:04 AM
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