Two and a half more weeks until our official due date (May 18th), and I'm ready for it. I had a checkup on Monday; the OB said my cervix is slightly dilated (<1cm) and about 50% effaced. But the baby is still pretty high, so I don't think I'll be delivering any time soon. I have another appointment next Monday.
Meanwhile, at home, I've washed all the newborn clothes and some of the bigger ones. My overnight hospital bag is nearly packed. Gary and I have a 2 page plan detailing who does what when I go into labor (it is complicated because we don't want to take Elliot to the hospital with us and we're expecting a short labor like last time). The Pack-n-Play is set up with the bassinet, although I still need to buy sheets for it and decide where in our bedroom we'll put it. Ideally it will go between the bed and the wall. Our freezer is packed with food, and I've been trying hard not to munch on the post-partum multigrain muffins I have in there. No names yet; I looked through an entire baby name book and decided I didn't like any of them. The termites are gone. We got central air conditioning and a new furnace installed yesterday. Gary took me to an Arlo Guthrie concert for my birthday, and we had a small pre-birth birthday wingding on Saturday. I finished Elliot's blanket, but I haven't washed it yet. I also bought the yarn for the new baby's blanket, and plan to start swatching tonight. I am back to eating Tums by the handful during the day. Life is good, but dang am I tired!
Posted by Jen at May 2, 2007 04:16 PMAfter she's born, you can call her by various names and see which one gets a response.