May 26, 2007

one week (Lexi)

Lexi is now a week old. When we took her to the ped on Monday (standard checkup) she weighed 5lbs 15oz, but she's back to her birth weight now. Nursing is going really well, and I suspect she will be a slightly heavier baby than Elliot was.

Gary and I are having mixed results with sleeping. We had an awful night Thursday night; Lexi just wanted to nurse from about 11pm to 3am, almost non-stop. I got frustrated because I was very tired (even though I was nursing her in bed) and because my milk supply was quite low (most likely why she was trying to nurse constantly). Gary was frustrated because he really couldn't do anything to help, except change her diaper a couple of times, and we were keeping him awake. Last night she slept for several hours straight, woke up around 3 to nurse, and slept another 3 hours. I've been carrying her in a fleece pouch in the morning to help her sleep, so this means I've been up since 3, but I got some sleep beforehand, so it's not so bad.

(Gary has added new videos, and links to all the Alexia videos, on the photo website.)

Posted by Jen at May 26, 2007 06:27 AM

It sounds like everything's going just the way it should!

How's Elliot taking his new status?

Posted by: Jessica at May 26, 2007 07:44 AM