June 02, 2007

Lexi at 2 weeks

We took Lexi in for her 2 week well-check yesterday. She is growing and gaining weight really well; right now she's at the 25th percentile for weight and height, and the 50th percentile for head circumference! Her umbilical cord stump is nearly off (most of it fell off last week, but there is still a bit of a scab there), and Gary and I gave her her first bath on Tuesday (just a sponge bath because of the scab).

Nighttime feedings are getting a bit easier because she's established more of a routine. Now she nurses around midnight, 3am, and 6am. I try to get to bed by 10, so Gary brings her in to the bedroom for the first 2 feedings (I think he naps in between), which each last about 15-20 minutes. After the 6am feeding I get up for the day, since that session seems to last a lot longer (more like an hour of on and off nursing). Elliot was waking up around 8, but this morning he woke up at 7 (someone must have told him about the Saturday morning ritual).

And speaking of Elliot, he is still having a hard time adjusting. Gary and I have tried to spend more time with him in the evenings (completely without Lexi if possible), which seems to be helping. Thursday night he went to bed with no crying, and last night he cried for less than 20 minutes. We have him give Lexi a kiss goodnight, than one of us takes him upstairs to read books and get ready for bed. I had hoped I could carry Lexi around on me while I read or sang to him, but he's not ready to share our attention with her yet.

Posted by Jen at June 2, 2007 08:06 AM

Do you have any memories of Melinda's or Alana's arrival? You must remember the latter.

Posted by: Jessica at June 2, 2007 02:07 PM

I have a memory of being disappointed when Melinda was born because she was just a baby. Relatives had been telling me how much fun a younger sibling would be, and I imagined we would play together right away. No memories from when Alana arrived, at least in terms of what I thought of her.

Posted by: Jen at June 3, 2007 06:29 AM