June 19, 2007

small bits about Elliot

No plotline here, just random bits about Elliot.

He's discovered his first mind-altering experience: twirling around in a circle until he gets dizzy. It's fun to watch, if you're not prone to motion-sickness.

He can consistantly count to 10, and has been seen counting the stairs as he walks down them. He's starting to get 11 through 20, too, but many of the numbers, and their order, still elude him.

He can put his wooden train track pieces together, although he's still more interested in tearing apart tracks that Gary or I have set up for him.

Elliot and Lexi are getting along really well. When she's crying or fussing in the car he tries to touch or hold her hand to quiet her down. He knows her name is Lexi (he'll say things like, "Lexi down" or "Lexi swing") but often calls her Tiny. I'm not sure if he thinks that's also her name, or if he's just pointing out an obvious feature. Usually he'll bring over a blanket or burp cloth to me while I'm nursing her, although he has refused to hand over the Boppy pillow (which I use for nursing) when asked because it's fun to play with.

He's been singing a lot more recently, although his sense of pitch is not there yet. He knows the first three letters of the alphabet song, and repeats them over and over again. He knows all of the hand motions for "The Wheels on the Bus," as well as what everyone says ("The babies on the bus go 'wee wee wee,'" etc).

His latest masterpiece was done in pencil, on the wall of the stairwell.

Posted by Jen at June 19, 2007 12:09 PM

What ARE the lyrics to "The Wheels on the Bus"? The song was unknown when I was young enough for it. I know the "round and round, round and round, round and round" part.

"The wheels on the bus ran over my cat/bat/rat/hat/mat/brat/sock/block/truck/foot . . ."

Posted by: Jessica at June 19, 2007 02:07 PM

I don't know all of them, but apparently I get most of them close enough for Elliot to know what verse we're on. Ask him when you're here.

Posted by: Jen at June 19, 2007 04:14 PM

The lawyer on the bus said "Here's my card, here's my card."

Posted by: nm at June 22, 2007 08:03 AM