June 27, 2007

counting and smiles

Lexi smiled for the first time last Thursday! She hasn't smiled very often since, but sometimes I can see the start of one (then she gets distracted and stops). She also got her first cold this weekend, which is not nearly as exciting as the smiling.

Elliot can definitely count now. He's been able to count from 1 to 10 pretty reliably for a few weeks now, but so far he could only count up to two objects. Just in the past few days he's counted the number of sofa armrests in the playroom (there are 4), and yesterday at breakfast he counted objects on his highchair tray as he placed them on the table (I think he got up to 5 or 6 before he stopped). Gary said he counted the stairs up to 10 as they were walking down them a few days ago, too. He's been learning the difference between left and right, too, but so far hasn't been able to keep them straight after an hour break.

Some new words and phrases:
"kneecap" (Jessica taught him this one and I taught him wound after he fell down and scraped his knee on Saturday.)
"No reach it" (referring to the fan, the moon, items we've placed on high shelves, etc)
"Daddy fix it"

Posted by Jen at June 27, 2007 12:34 PM

A first smile and no picture?!?! We need some Lexi pictures!!
Love, Mom

Posted by: Mom at June 27, 2007 05:16 PM