September 09, 2007

return to health

Elliot seems to be doing better, at least yesterday afternoon he had more energy and wasn't constantly asking to be carried around. Gary joked that Elliot had "carry-you" disease, as for the past 4 days that is almost all he said. He was happy being outside, but not inside, and not being still. He hardly ate anything all week, and while he did take short naps during the day, he also woke up a lot at night. Michael arrived a few days ago, but since Elliot's been sick we haven't done anything except stay home and carry him around.

We are heading to Yosemite for a couple of days; there's more outside there than you can shake a stick at!

No one else got sick, although now Gary says he has a stiff neck. That could be from sleeping on the couch with Elliot a couple of nights ago, though.

Posted by Jen at September 9, 2007 06:19 AM

Glad to hear Elliot's doing better and didn't give it to anyone else. Give my regards to Michael.

Posted by: Jessica at September 9, 2007 10:25 AM