September 14, 2007

Mothers' Club

I joined a local mothers' group last month, called the FUN Mothers' Club (the FUN stands for Fremont, Union City, and Newark). So far I've been to two events: the September general meeting and a new members social. The general meeting was a talk by the Red Cross about emergency preparedness. We (Gary and I, that is) are only partly prepared. I've got a long list of stuff to change or add to our earthquake kit. The new members social was at another member's house, and was just a small gathering to meet some of the board members and learn more about the club. There are playgroups, weekly children's activities, sub-clubs for different hobbies (knitting, running, etc), and a babysitting co-op. Even though Gary and I have lived in Fremont for nearly 7 years now, we hardly know anyone around here, so I am hoping to meet other parents from the area.

I tried to meet up with the knitting club this afternoon, but it seems not to be active anymore. I am going to try to get it going again, since I'd love to meet some other knitters and have an hour or two every week devoted to knitting.

I started working on my C# class yesterday, but I was so tired that I fell asleep on the sofa after only reading about 10 pages of the text.

Posted by Jen at September 14, 2007 04:15 PM

Sounds great! Do they offer CPR classes? It's really important for you both to know how to administer it to an infant and a young child!!!!

Posted by: Mom at September 15, 2007 04:47 AM