September 28, 2007

our week in review

On Sunday we went to visit our friends Scott and Rose and their new baby, Gemma. She's very cute and so tiny! And she has a lot of hair, too. Even though Lexi is only a few months older, I had already forgotten just how small she was as a newborn.

I went to a local knitting group Monday evening called the Funky Fiber Fellowship. I heard about it from one of the women in my new moms' club. I brought Lexi with me; she slept for part of the evening while I knit. After she woke up and nursed she got fussy, so we left early. I was really jazzed about the group! There were only 3 other women there, which they said was typical. But they were all very friendly and welcoming, and I definitely plan to make this a regular activity.

Tuesday was Lexi's 4 month well baby check. She weighs 15 pounds (75th percentile) and is 24.5" long (50th percentile). By contrast, Elliot was 13lbs 13oz and 24" long at his 4 month check! She can't roll over yet, or sit up on her own, but I expect she'll start trying to do both in the next month.

I'm still on a no-dairy diet (it's been about 2 months now!), but Lexi still has occasional bouts of excessive spitting up and discomfort. I think she may also be sensitive to soy and possibly sesame, but I haven't cut either from my diet completely. I do avoid a lot of soy (e.g. I put rice milk on my cereal instead of soy milk), and I may start avoiding sesame (especially sesame bagels and hummus).

I had lunch with my friend Lisa after Lexi's appointment. She is lactose intolerant, which I didn't realize before (or if I did I had forgotten), so she was very sympathetic to my diet. Lisa is also a fellow knitter, but as it was a warm day neither Lexi nor I were wearing anything we could show off.

I did lots of knitting this week! I am finished knitting Lexi's Viking hat; now I only need to sew the wings on. I finally felted a bear I knit over 10 years ago! I finished a pair of socks for myself, and I started a hat for Elliot.
(This is the bear before I felted it.)

I've also been working on my C# class. I turned in my first homework assignment last weekend. We had to write a program to calculate how much change to return, in coins (i.e. quarters, dimes, etc). Here's a screenshot:
The professor said he couldn't find any major errors, so I'm expecting to get full marks for the assignment. I am almost finished with the second assignment, but I need to review it before sending it in. Even though we are only supposed to send in the executable (the .exe file), I think the professor has the ability to open it to see how we wrote the code. This means that even if the final product looks correct, I shouldn't be sloppy in how I code it.

Eva and I went yarn shopping today. I bought a few magazines at the first shop we went to, and some green yarn for a sweater for Elliot. Like I needed more yarn!

(eta: link to page on felting)

Posted by Jen at September 28, 2007 03:53 PM

What does felted mean?

Posted by: Jessica at September 28, 2007 06:03 PM

It's what happens to wool when you agitate it in hot water. The fibers bind together and shrink. It's most easily done in the washing machine, which is what I did. If it's your favorite wool sweater, it's a disaster. If it's something you've knit with the intention of felting, it's terrific.

Posted by: Jen at September 28, 2007 06:09 PM

I added this link to the post:

Posted by: Jen at September 28, 2007 06:11 PM

I did that once! I have a very nice wool blanket that I washed in hot water thinking it was acrylic. It is a good bit smaller now than it was (but still useful).

Posted by: Jessica at September 29, 2007 06:39 AM