Up until today, Lexi has been pretty steadfast in not rolling over. Sometimes she made some attempts, but nothing serious. This afternoon she rolled over about 6 times in about an hour! Go Lexi! She's also doing better at night; Gary and I are working on a bedtime routine so she can fall asleep in her crib (still in our room), and it seems to be working. She still wakes up 3 or 4 times at night, but at least we have a few kid-free hours in the evening.
Lexi now has 2 teeth on the bottom, and nursing has been okay (although she does bite me sometimes, especially when she's tired). We started her on rice cereal last week, which she really likes. I plan to give her banana or avocado later this week.
We still have the baby monitor in Elliot's room, so we can hear when he wakes up in the morning. This morning he started the day by singing Happy Birthday to himself. On Sunday he said "rutabaga" over and over again, laughing. He questions everything, and wants to know the tiniest details about objects and people. A trip out to the mailbox can take several minutes because he stops and looks at everything, asking, "What's this?" Even things he already knows he asks about. Sometimes I'll tell him, sometimes I'll ask him what he thinks it is (and he usually knows. When he doesn't know, he says, "Yes?") All objects are still purple, and he often says he is 4 years old. Gary is getting him a laptop for Christmas, maybe Elliot will stop asking to use his.
I have been working on Lexi's Christmas stocking, which I finished this afternoon while watching her roll over. I'm not completely thrilled with the foot, but I was almost out of yarn, so I made it shorter than I would have liked. 4 or 5 years ago I knit stockings for me and Gary; 2 years ago I knit one for Elliot with the same yarn. Lexi's used up the last of the yarn.
We all went geocaching again this weekend. We found some nice playgrounds in the area for Elliot while we were at it. Last week I found a geocoin, so I moved it to another cache for someone else to pick up. Some geocoins, and other trackable items, have goals (I also picked up one from a Canadian Girl Guide, who wants it to visit the four World Centers of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts). This particular geocoin just wants to travel around. Here are pictures I took of it before dropping it off.
Great closeups! Does your small digital camera have a macro setting, or what?
Posted by: Jessica at November 14, 2007 06:58 AMNo, it's a *really* big coin.
Just kidding.
Yes, I've got a macro setting on my camera. I haven't used it much, but Gary recommended I try it for the coin and it came out nicely.
Posted by: Jen at November 14, 2007 10:42 AMYou forgot to mention that after Elliot finds out what a given thing is, he wants to know what's inside it.