February 02, 2008

eat one nice, green leaf and call me in the morning

(Both kids have been sick on and off for the past 2 weeks. Nothing serious, just one cold after another. Or maybe it's the same one dragging on. Either way, it sucks.)

At dinner a few nights ago, Elliot told me he needed some medicine. When I asked why, he replied in a very serious tone, "Because I'm so very sick, Mama, so very, very sick."

On another night I had a headache, and told Elliot while we were getting him ready for bed. He recommended I eat a nice, green leaf, and after that I would feel much better. I asked him where I could get one, and he said outside. "Oh," I said, "should I go outside to eat it?" "No, Mama, you eat it at the table!"
(For those not in the know, a "nice, green leaf" is what the Very Hungry Caterpillar eats after gorging himself and getting a stomachache, and after that he feels much better.)

The following afternoon we spent some time before dinner pretending to eat nice, green leaves. Elliot would find them, usually on a blanket in the den, and bring them to me. I would be instructed to put one on my plate, take off the stem ("Don't eat the stem!" he would warn), and eat it with my hands. We took turns eating the leaves, although Elliot was always the one to bring them to the table. Lexi didn't get any, as she is "too young" too eat nice, green leaves.

Posted by Jen at February 2, 2008 10:50 PM

He's really a word man, isn't he?

Any idea as to why you're Mama and not Mommy?

Posted by: Jessica at February 2, 2008 11:40 PM

Because that's how Gary and I refer to myself when we're talking to Elliot. Most of the time, anyway.

Posted by: Jen at February 3, 2008 10:14 PM
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