I have got the flu, or at least a really bad cold. Probably the flu, though, since I've been sick since Sunday and feel miserable. Lexi has been a bit stuffy, and Elliot seems to have had a perpetual runny nose since late last year, but otherwise they are healthy. Gary, too.
I started a cardigan for Lexi last month, hoping I could finish it quickly so she could wear it this spring. Yesterday I finally decided to rip it out and start again with a new pattern. The one I was using just wasn't working out. It had at least one major omission; the publisher emailed me a corrected version a few weeks ago, which helped a bit. The pattern was for a cardigan in 3 sizes (2, 4, and 6), but I suspect the designer never actually tested it in the smallest size. The collar shaping was looking really terrible and unrealistic, and not at all like the sweater in the pattern photograph.
Gary helped me rip out most of the sweater (I had already knit everything except the collar and button band) last night and I started with a new pattern. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this one turns out better than the last one.
My C# programming has been going well. So far I've written several small programs to do tasks such as finding prime numbers, sorting numbers, and calculating the day of the week for a given date. I have a bunch of games to implement next (e.g. a program that lets 2 people play tic-tac-toe/checkers/pente).
Posted by Jen at March 19, 2008 02:00 PMSounds like you need to stay in bed for a day or two! If you don't have a fever, it's probably not the flu--but a lot of viral infections hang on when you don't get enough rest!!!!!
Feel better soon!
Sonya used to make computer games for us, too, when we were growing up.
What's pente?
Posted by: Jessica at March 20, 2008 06:29 PM