April 25, 2008

Elliot builds a kite

Yesterday evening Elliot wanted to build a kite. So while I was getting Lexi ready for bed, he set up a work bench, gathered up some materials, and tried to make a kite. His efforts, part of which I caught on camera, lasted all the way until his bedtime.

Why a kite? This past weekend, while at an Earth Day celebration in Napa, Elliot helped make a paper kite. That is, he colored a bird-shaped piece of paper, to which a college student taped 2 bamboo sticks and some string. It was a pretty poor kite (she forgot the kite tail), but the wind was gusty enough to allow it to fly well enough for a little kid.

I bought a simple kite for Elliot to help assemble this weekend, if the weather is nice, but he doesn't know it yet.

(Warning: the video is pretty long, so it may take a long time to get from YouTube. But I think it's worth it!)

Posted by Jen at April 25, 2008 06:50 AM

Impressive! But didn't he need some glue?

Posted by: Mom at April 25, 2008 05:46 PM

This is fascinating. He obviously knows just what he's trying to do, but as noted above, he lacks glue. However, glue and the cat probably don't mix well.

Posted by: Jessica at April 29, 2008 06:39 PM
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