May 23, 2008

Ferry to SF

Michael is in town this week, so we took Elliot on the ferry from Jack London Square (in Oakland) to San Francisco on Tuesday. We got to the ferry terminal early, so we wandered around and looked at Jack London's house from Alaska and the outside of Heingold's First and Last Chance Bar (where Jack London used to hang out).

The ferry ride was fun, but Elliot didn't really like being outside (too sunny and too windy).

San Francisco was breezy and crowded, so we didn't stay very long. The ferry dropped us off at Pier 41. We had lunch down the block at Boudin, which was incredibly crowded, but we got to see them making bread. Afterwards we wandered around Pier 39, rode the carousel, and watched the sea lions. Elliot got weary pretty quickly, so we took an early ferry back to Oakland and called it a day.

Posted by Jen at May 23, 2008 10:33 AM
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