I received 2 new cds yesterday: Tigermilk and Dear Catastrophe Waitress, both by Belle & Sebastian. Tigermilk was their debut album, and DCW is their latest release.
I like more of the songs on Tigermilk than on DCW, but probably because I've been listening to Tigermilk on Rhapsody (online music service) for months now, and I've only heard DCW a few times. There are a couple of songs on DCW that I really like, though, including "Step into My Office, Baby" and "Piazza, New York Catcher."
I laughed when I opened the package containing the cds, because someone had carefully placed a large sticker on the front of the Tigermilk album. The album cover shows a naked (at least from the waist up) woman nursing a stuffed tiger. You can see a lot of cleavage, but no nipples or anything. And it's really no worse than a National Geographic cover (and gosh, is it something we've never seen before, really???) Luckily it was just on the cellophane wrapping.
My copy of the album:
The original album: