Gary pointed out this quote to me (which I found in this BBC News article):
"The comments and actions made by the leader of Taiwan indicate that he may be willing to make decisions unilaterally, to change the status quo, which we oppose" -- George Bush
This is in reference to a possible Taiwanese referendum on increasing the island's defenses unless China removes the hundreds of missiles it has aimed the country.
The status quo, as far as I know, is the One China Policy, in which Taiwan is part of China's territory, and China will retalliate if Taiwan tries to push for its independence. But what is it that we are opposing? The status quo, or changing the status quo? Most people would probably read the quote and think that we oppose President Chen Shui-bian's plan for the referendum. I think that it was intentionally written to be vague.
I'm not actually sure what our real position on China-vs-Taiwan is. China has become an important trading partner and is much more open to the West than it was even 10 years ago. Plus they helped us out a lot with North Korea. But Gary has convinced me that our government still views China as a potential superpower and enemy, and that we would come to Taiwan's aid should the need arise.
I guess I don't have any conclusions to draw. I'll have to ask around the office next week to find out what Chinese people thing about the problem.
Posted by Jen at January 16, 2004 07:36 PM