We started Elliot on solid food (well, mushy food) after Christmas. First we tried rice cereal, which he sometimes likes. This weekend I had planned on starting avocado, but I didn't get to the grocery store. So instead we tried strained peas.
(click thumbnail for a messier view)
Eating is loads of fun. At least if you don't have to clean up after yourself.
Elliot can also now sit up by himself. That is, he can stay seated if someone puts him in that position. Around New Years he was able to sit with a bit of support, then a week later he could sit if at least one hand was on the ground. And now he can wave both hands around, grab objects (preferably his socks) and stick them in his mouth.
(click on the thumbnail for a larger version)
Posted by Jen at January 16, 2006 03:05 PMAre his eyes really gray, or that just the lighting?
You've got to get him some green food coloring for his Mohawk. He may not get this opportunity again.
Posted by: Jessica at January 16, 2006 03:26 PMAnd speaking of green food, why don't you feed him in the backyard and hose everything down at the end?
Posted by: Jessica at January 16, 2006 03:40 PMThis is one happy baby who loves life and his food.
Posted by: Aunt Mari at January 16, 2006 03:40 PMHi everybody
I would assume that he also enjoys making stincky poos... with all those peas. (And cleaning this up ...) - Love from Switzerland
Posted by: Cornelia & Co at January 17, 2006 12:42 PMHe does look as if he enjoys life, even if he doesn't actually *eat* peas.
Dearest Jen he sure looks like he likes the peas, i wrote you on this one other time but it must not have taken, today is feb. 12 I was stting here going over al your blogs and reading them and lookingat elliott pictures sure do enjoy them elliotts greatmother/ spevie
Posted by: spevie at February 12, 2006 08:50 AM