I've been off dairy for nearly 4 weeks; Lexi seems to be doing a lot better because of it. I saw a lactation consultant on Friday, who suggested I try introducing some dairy to see how Lexi reacts. So yesterday we went out to eat and I had some ranch dressing. Five hours later she was spitting up much more than usual. This still doesn't confirm that Lexi has a dairy intolerance, but it's one more data point that suggests that she does.
(Side note: Lexi is 3 months old today, and weighed 13lbs 8oz this morning!)
Posted by Jen at August 19, 2007 09:49 AMYes, it sounds like a dairy intolerance, doesn't it? Is this something she'll outgrow? Is it an allergy?
Posted by: Jessica at August 19, 2007 03:05 PMYes, probably, and sort of.
See today's entry for more details.