August 21, 2007

dairy intolerance

We took Elliot to his 2 year checkup today (he's 40th percentile for height and 10th percentile for weight, and overall very healthy) and asked the pediatrician about Lexi's dairy intolerance. The good news: she'll most likely outgrow it by the time she's a year old. The bad news: I've really got to keep off dairy until then.

According to our pediatrician, dairy intolerance is not like a normal allergy, it is a gastrointestinal sensitivity, so it isn't easy to test for it (e.g. you won't show up in a skin test). It's also different from being lactose intolerant, it's an allergy to cow milk proteins, not lactose (which is a sugar). There is more information about it here.

I had a little bit of ranch dressing on Saturday. Now, three days later, Lexi seems to be back to normal. The ped recommended I try dairy again when we start her on solids, which will be in about 3 months. In the meantime I've got a box of rice milk in the fridge, waiting for me to try it. I've also found some tasty vegan chocolate chip cookies at Trader Joe's, and I've been making (and eating) a lot of banana bread and zucchini bread, so it's not all bad.

Posted by Jen at August 21, 2007 03:33 PM

I hope you like tofu!

Posted by: Jessica at August 22, 2007 09:26 AM

I just read the article on dairy intolerance. I guess it won't do to pretend you're Chinese.

Posted by: Jessica at August 23, 2007 04:51 AM
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