January 06, 2008

a couple of Elliot funnies

A few nights ago I was reading a book to the kids and Elliot pointed to a picture. "That's a wheel-bagel!" he said. I corrected him, "No, that's a wheelbarrow." Elliot laughed and said, "I said 'wheel-bagel.' That's funny!"

This afternoon on the way home we were listening to music in the car. Elliot asked (well, demanded) that we turn it off, in typical two year old fashion:
"Turn that noise off! Turn that noise off! Turn that noise off! Turn that noise off!"
Gary turned off the music.
"Turn that noise off! Turn that noise off! Turn that noise off! Turn that noise off!"
Gary stopped the turning signal.
"Turn that noise off! Turn that noise off! Turn that noise...what happened to that noise?"

(Gary and I cracked up laughing as quietly as we could, while Elliot asked us what that noise was.)

Posted by Jen at January 6, 2008 01:50 PM

No way, Jose! Are you sure the noise wasn't from zombies eating "porky meatballs"?

Posted by: Mom at January 6, 2008 04:23 PM
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