March 06, 2008

Lexi and Jen update

Lexi had her 9 month well baby checkup last week. She's dropped a little bit in the percentiles for weight and height, but not by much. She's still not crawling, but she can "commando crawl" (i.e. on her belly) backwards and turn around to face any direction while on her belly. This morning she also got from being flat on the ground to sitting up, a huge accomplishment for her! She's also not sleeping through the night yet, but for several nights this week she's stayed asleep for up to 8 hours.

My friend Rose took some pictures of Lexi yesterday after a walk through the park.

My update: I took the final exam for the C# programming class I've been taking for the past several months. I haven't heard if I passed or not, but the exam was relatively easy, so I have no doubt I did fine. Instead of taking another class right away I'm going to do some programming assignments that Gary has come up with. (In fact I'm supposed to be working on that right now.)

Posted by Jen at March 6, 2008 10:39 AM

She looks so different with teeth!

Posted by: Jessica at March 6, 2008 05:38 PM

She does! She looks like a big girl. She's absolutely beautiful.

Posted by: Niki at March 11, 2008 07:54 AM
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