March 05, 2008

cat food and 911

I let Elliot try cat food for dinner tonight. All afternoon he told me that he was a cat, and that he was going to eat cat food for dinner. I figured he would either forget about it, or temporarily convert back to being a boy, by dinnertime, but he did neither. It is pizza night, which he normally loves, but I couldn't convince him to even sit at the table. We called Gary to say hello, and Elliot confirmed that yes, he was a cat and would be eating cat food for dinner. Gary suggested I just give him some, so I did. Only one piece of dry food, in a tiny bowl, and he tried it! His initial reaction was "Yuck!" But a few seconds later he licked it again and declared it to be "Yummy!" He then put the piece in the (empty) cat food bowl and put his little bowl over it, to "save for later."

This week has been Emergency Week at daycare. They've been reading books about the police and firemen and practicing safety drills by lining up in a designated spot when Sonia blows her whistle. They've also been learning about 911. Unfortunately, I chose this week to start teaching Elliot his address. He already knew our street name, so we've been reviewing our house number each day. (For those who don't know it, our house number ends with 91.) This has caused a lot of confusion, so tonight at dinner (finally he sat down and ate pizza) we went over which number to call in an emergency and which number is our address. By the end of dinner he had it down, but he thought that he should call 6911 in an emergency most of the time. He also said at the end of dinner that he "was still turning into a cat."

Posted by Jen at March 5, 2008 06:25 PM

Remind him that if he's a cat, he can't go outside or to day care.

Posted by: Jessica at March 5, 2008 08:42 PM

Have him try it with a little bit of olive oil and garlic.

Posted by: Michael at March 8, 2008 09:20 AM
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