April 15, 2008

this week's experiments

Two big experiments going on this week. The first involves yogurt, the second involves sleeping.

I introduced yogurt to Lexi on Sunday. ("Lexi, this is Yogurt. Yogurt, this is Lexi. I'm sure you two will get along famously!") I also started putting probiotics into Lexi's bottle once a day. So far she's doing pretty well; no bad reactions that we could see, although she is pooping more than she used to. (Sorry, you probably didn't really want to know that!) She's also eating more, too. I initially only gave her a few teaspoons of yogurt, and I'm giving her some more this morning. About a month ago she tried a teething biscuit that contained some milk, and it seemed like she had a bad reaction to it (cried a lot later that day, arched her back as if in pain, that sort of thing). It's possible she was reacting to something else, or she was sick, or she's outgrown her sensitivity.

Last night was a big one for the kids. Gary took out the futon in Elliot's room and moved in Lexi's crib, so they are now sharing a room. The tricky part is that Lexi goes to bed around 6, but Elliot doesn't get to bed until after 7. Unfortunately, Elliot woke Lexi up when he got in bed; Lexi started screaming, and Elliot yelled at her to be quiet, causing her to cry more. It took Gary half an hour to calm both of them down. I am not looking forward to bedtime tonight, but I am looking forward to having a guest room again!

Posted by Jen at April 15, 2008 10:50 AM
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