Elliot decided to take a late afternoon nap yesterday, so Gary and I went through photos from October and uploaded them here. We still need to do May through September, but thought everyone would be more interested in recent ones first.
eta: direct link is here.
Gary and I are thrilled to announce that Elliot will be promoted to big brother in May, 2007!
Front view with Mexican wrestling mask:
Side view with fake, glow-in-the-dark teeth:
These pictures were taken right before Halloween, hence the disguises. Our next ultrasound will be in January, when we hope to find out, among other things, if we're having a boy or girl. Elliot has been practicing sitting on the cat in preparation for his role as big brother.
For the past 2 days, Elliot has been fascinated by the moon. We were at a party Saturday night, and Elliot was running around outside with a bunch of other kids. Gary pointed the moon out to him there, and again when we got home. Ever since Elliot's been pointing at the sky saying "moo, moo!" There is a bit of an "n" sound in there, but it's not quite "moon" yet. He was very excited last night at the daycare Halloween party, because we watched the moon rise over the house; he probably spent half the party looking at it! It's been a bit of a challenge giving him dinner for the last couple of nights, because he keeps pointing at the kitchen window and emphatically calling for the moon.
Elliot's daycare had a Halloween party last night. We had trouble getting him to stay still for photos, but he enjoyed munching on the pumpkins. Yum!
This was Elliot's daytime outfit yesterday. Does it look familiar?
That's because he wore it last year on Halloween, too!