July 24, 2007

today's snapshots

Just a couple of quick uploads before I head off to bed. I took these both this afternoon. The yellow chair is called a Bumbo seat; it's not the greatest photo of Lexi, but this is how she looked this afternoon. The second one, of Elliot, is an experiment with my camera, which allows me to take pictures with different effects.



Posted by Jen at 09:35 PM | Comments (2)

quick update

I keep starting blog entries, then get distracted by Elliot or Lexi or sleep. So I promised myself I would write a short one and actually upload it today.

Both kids are doing well. Lexi may have a dairy intolerance (she has been spitting up a lot more than usual), so I am cutting out all dairy this week to see if it improves. This is actually pretty hard, since so many prepared foods (bread, sausages, cookies) have milk or a milk product (like whey or casein) in them. This is my second day of the diet, and I’ve seen a little improvement. She’s been doing a lot of smiling and can support her head fairly well now. She was a whopping 70th percentile for weight when we took her in for her 2-month checkup on Friday!

Elliot has added the definite article to his vocabulary, so he says things like “find da blanket” and “eat da strawberry.” He can sometimes build four-word sentences, like the one he said this weekend: “Elliot spill water couch!” Two- and three-word sentences are more common, though. His memory also lasts a lot longer now, and he makes interesting connections between events. When we go up to Napa I usually take him to go get bagels early Sunday morning, and once when we were out we saw a bunch of hot air balloons. Last week I told him we were going to go buy bagels, and he starts talking about Grandpa’s house and balloons; it took me a few minutes to realize why he suddenly brought up those things. He's mostly stopped calling Lexi "Tiny Baby" and replaced it with "Leki." She's nearly half his weight now (compared to a quarter when she was born), so maybe he doesn't think she's so tiny anymore.

Lexi hasn't woken up from her nap yet, but I'll finish this off and call it a day.

Posted by Jen at 12:23 PM | Comments (2)

July 23, 2007

my credit union is stupid

I never received a new debit card when my old one expired in June. I called the credit union up the first week of July and was told that somehow they never ordered a new one for me (I assumed it was all automatic these days, now that we've got those fancy computating machines everywhere). They requested a new card for me and said it would arrive in about 10 business days.

The new card arrived last week. I used it for the first time yesterday at Trader Joe's. Or rather, tried to use it. The card reader rejected it, saying it was expired. Why? The new card has an expiration date of June, 2007.

And I trust these people with my money!

Posted by Jen at 03:01 PM | Comments (2)

July 14, 2007

Bastille Day

Elliot thinks about starting a revolution....

Posted by Jen at 02:50 PM | Comments (0)

A Family Affair

Gary Lee uploaded this photo montage from our family gathering in Napa a few weeks ago.

Posted by Jen at 06:43 AM | Comments (0)

July 12, 2007

Star Wars

A new video of Elliot playing around with the keyboard.

Posted by Jen at 11:03 AM | Comments (1)

July 11, 2007

no chocolate for me

Last weel Lexi had a couple of days of severe reflux. She was just spitting up all day long, no matter how long I burped her or what position she was in. When I thought back to what I had been eating I realized I had eaten a lot of dark chocolate the previous day. Well, as much as I love chocolate, having a baby spitting up all day isn't worth it. So while the occasional brownie or chocolate cookie will probably be fine, no more chocolate bars for me!

Posted by Jen at 03:23 PM | Comments (0)

6, I mean 7, weeks post-partum

I went in for my 6 week post-partum exam today, a week late because of the holiday last week. Everything looked good, and I shouldn't have to go back for a year.

When I got home I gave Lexi a bath. This was the first time I'd given her a proper bath (as opposed to a sponge bath) without Gary around, so I was a little nervous. We both survived the experience.

Elliot has been expanding his vocabulary and improving his sentences. Last week he was still saying things like "No reach it" or "No find it." Now he frequently adds a noun to the end of that: "No reach it blanket." And this morning he said, "Mommy no reach it banana."

I frequently nurse Lexi at the table while Elliot is eating. He tells me she is "drinking milk," so I know he knows what's going on. I've been telling him that Lexi is too young to do much, in order to help him feel good about being the older brother and understand what she can and can't do ("You can run, but Lexi can't, she's too young," etc.) "Too young" is a popular phrase now. When I asked if Lexi lived in our house he shook his head and said, "Too young!"

I often ask him to give me lists of people, like who will be at daycare that day, or who we saw when we went to someone's house. The other night at dinner I asked Elliot who lived in our house, and he went through all the people and cats ("Mama house, Daddy house, etc). Then he started saying things like "Blinds house" and "Table house."

His favorite (and pretty much only) color is still purple. Invariably that is his answer when asked what color something is. Except when that something is purple. Then his answer is usually blue. I read somewhere a long time ago that purple is frequently a child's first color word, but I don't remember why this was.

Posted by Jen at 02:00 PM | Comments (1)

July 10, 2007

Darlene and Lexi

A short video of Darlene and Lexi from this weekend.

Posted by Jen at 01:44 PM | Comments (0)

bottle feeding and a sick kid

Elliot is sick (he threw up this morning as Gary was dropping him off at daycare), so we're all staying at home rubbing Purell on our hands today.

Yesterday morning I finally started pumping milk for Lexi. She took a bottle from Gary last night; I was worried she wouldn't because we waited so long (we started Elliot with a bottle when he was 5-6 weeks old).

A few photos from our weekend in Napa:

Elliot on the Napa trolley.

Jen and Lexi relaxing before breakfast.

Darlene with Elliot and Lexi.

Posted by Jen at 12:20 PM | Comments (0)

July 06, 2007

baby weights

I weighed Lexi this morning, she's 10 pounds, 9 ounces. At 7 weeks she now weighs about what Gary weighed when he was born!

Posted by Jen at 02:15 PM | Comments (1)

July 04, 2007

Safety Dance

"Y'know, that dance wasn't as safe as they said it was." -- Fry, Futurama

Dance, Elliot, Dance!!!"
(A short video by Emily)

Gary and Elliot are out watching the fireworks in Redwood City. Actually, they're on their way home by now, but traffic is probably terrible, so I don't expect them in for a bit.

Posted by Jen at 10:39 PM | Comments (2)

July 03, 2007

Snethen photos

Some photos I took this weekend while up in Napa.

Four generations of Snethens. From left to right: Darlene, Gary Lee, Gary Linn, Lexi and Elliot on laps.

These fellows all share the same Y chromosome. From left to right: Gary Lee, Gary Linn, Greg, Elliot on lap.

Great-grandma Darlene and Lexi

Posted by Jen at 11:54 AM | Comments (3)

photos by Jessica

Jessica took these photos when she was out here visiting last weekend. I'm holding Lexi in the first photo. She took the one of Elliot at Jack London Square, where we went for lunch with Gary Sr. and his mother Darlene. After lunch we walked around by the water, and took a break on a bench near some stanchions. Gary Sr. pulled one out of the street to show Elliot, and the two of them rolled it around for a few minutes (before putting it back, of course!)

Lexi on Jen's Lap, June 2007, photo by Jessica Raimi

Elliot with Stanchion, June 2007, Jack London Square, photo by Jessica Raimi

Posted by Jen at 11:23 AM | Comments (2)